
Seventh Sunday of Easter; 29 May 2022; Easter 7C (RCL); Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17:20-26.

This is one of those passages in John in which boundaries are blurred. If you listen to it (rather than read it), by the end, you’re not sure who is in whom. I think that is precisely the evangelist’s point. If we entrust our lives to one another, then our lives will overlap. Jesus has entrusted his life to us, and in that life is the Father, so our lives and the divine life overlap. We are one just as the Trinity is one (even though John does not use the concept of Trinity, he comes close). Just as we share in the divine life, we share in each other’s lives.

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