Sounds of silence

Second Sunday after Pentecost; 19 June 2022; Proper 7C (RCL); 1 Kings 19:1-15a; Psalms 42-43; Glatians 3:23-29; Luke 8:26-39.

The reading from 1 Kings is quite rich. Elijah has just won his contest with the 450 prophets of Baal, and has had them killed at the Wadi Kishon, and the people had fallen on their faces and acknowledged the Lord as God. Jezebel has threatened Elijah, who has fled for his life, to Beersheba, in Judah, out of her reach. In the wilderness, he sits under a broom tree and asks to die. Jonah would echo Elijah as he sat under the castor bean plant outside Nineveh.

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